
Archive for January, 2011|Monthly archive page

Field Trip . . .

In Uncategorized on January 28, 2011 at 7:12 am

Last week, the Crazy Little Stockdale had a field trip to Chinatown.

Kids love the box-o-eels .

And the guy beating the catfish with a club before he cuts the heads off .

And the old guy playing the string.

Today, I got to take the Big Little Stockdale to Chinatown for a field trip.  Her favorites included flattened dried duck .

And buying stuff .

Fortunately/unfortunately, the Middle Little Stockdale also went to Chinatown today for a field trip.  Had it been next Friday, I would have hit the Chinatown trifecta.   Thankfully/unfortunately one of her friend’s mom’s got that job and I was only able to chaperone two field trips this month. 

Her favorites included a styrofoam cooler full of some dead aquatic thing that would never be eaten at the Stockdale house.

And, of course, old guy playing a string.

In Kansas City, you go to the apple orchard or pumpkin patch.  Here you go to Chinatown.  There is no difference, more or less.

More . . .

In Uncategorized on January 26, 2011 at 7:54 am

Guess what you get if you play in a charity golf outing?

Tote bag update . . .

In Uncategorized on January 13, 2011 at 11:08 am

Buy a new camera, get a tote bag.

Buy accessories for said camera, get another freakin’ tote bag.

The polar bears are drowning as we speak.  If only I could buy carbon offsets for all my tote bags.

Taxi Options . . .

In Uncategorized on January 11, 2011 at 9:36 am

When riding in a cab in Singapore, you have a variety of transportation options:

  1. The cab can hold four adults.
  2. The cab can hold three adults and two children.
  3. The cab can hold two adults and three children.
  4. The cab can hold one adult and four children.
  5. Or, you can just cram all six of your kids in the cab and send them on their merry way.  Just make sure one of the kids has some cash.

Millk and bread . . .

In Uncategorized on January 10, 2011 at 10:19 pm

You all have fun with this

and this

Meanwhile, we’ll have this.  Please note the variety.

Perhaps in a few years I’ll miss the white stuff, the school cancellations, the messy garages, and Big Government’s yellow snow.  However for now, I’m going to go for a swim after I drop the kids at the bus.  I might do the same tomorrow and the day after that.

Best Christmas EVER ! ! !

In Uncategorized on January 2, 2011 at 9:24 am

Normally, Mrs. Stockdale isn’t the best giver of Christmas presents.  She does a pretty good job of getting them, but that’s about it.  This year, however, was different.  I got two great gifts worth mentioning:


Granted, I did buy one for myself.  The question is, which one?