
Archive for April, 2011|Monthly archive page

Caution ! ! !

In Uncategorized on April 25, 2011 at 11:12 am

The purpose of this bright orange ‘Caution’ sign with a bright flashing/spinning light above it is to warn you about:

A.    Road work ahead
B.     Falling tote bags
C.     Rabid puppies
D.     The truck battery behind the sign powering the light

The Easter Buddhay ! ? !

In Uncategorized on April 23, 2011 at 4:01 am

Happy Easter from the Stockdales!

Precautionary Measures . . .

In Uncategorized on April 22, 2011 at 4:58 am

In an effort to minimize the effects of Mrs. Stockdale’s travel ‘issues’, the proper precautionary measures have been taken.

Vacation 2 – Mrs. Stockdale ZERO . . .

In Uncategorized on April 5, 2011 at 10:20 am

This is a puppy.  This puppy lives in Thailand.  This puppy lives in Thailand at a restaurant on a beach.  This puppy lives in Thailand at a restaurant on a beach just outside the hotel the Stockdales stayed at in Phuket.

The family pictured with this puppy lives in Singapore.  The family pictured with this puppy lives in Singapore and is friends with the Stockdales.  The family pictured with this puppy lives in Singapore and is friends with the Stockdales and went to the same hotel as the Stockdales did in Phuket.   The family pictured with this puppy lives in Singapore and is friends with the Stockdales and went to the same hotel as the Stockdales did in Phuket and went a week after the Stockdales.  The family pictured with this puppy lives in Singapore and is friends with the Stockdales and went to the same hotel as the Stockdales did in Phuket and went a week after the Stockdales and was asked by me to take a picture of this puppy.

Why did I ask them to take of picture of this puppy?

A.  Because it is the cutest puppy ever!

B.  The puppy won a tote bag in the ‘Adventures of Dale Stockdale Tote Bag Challenge’ and I need to know where to send it.

C.  In lieu of a fourth child, the Stockdales are adopting the puppy.

D.  The puppy bit Mrs. Stockdale on the foot and we needed to know if the puppy had been given rabies shots.

Anyone who answered A and D, congratulations – YOU’RE A WINNER!

In all seriousness, rabies is nothing to joke about.  It’s not that it could kill you if you get it and leave it untreated, it WILL kill you if you get it and leave it untreated.

However, if a small cute puppy just BARELY nips at your foot and doesn’t break the skin, and doesn’t draw blood, and just leaves a teeny-tiny red mark AND you are Mrs. Stockdale, where should you do research about the effects of rabies?

A.  www.ivegotrabiesandImgoingtodie.com

B.  www.rabiesthedangeroussilentkiller.com

C.  www.rabiesjustgiveup.com

D.  All of the above.

If are Mrs. Stockdale, the correct answer is D. 

However, if you are the husband of Mrs. Stockdale,  you might first visit the ‘Center for Disease Control’ website or the ‘World Health Organization’ website.  While these websites make you acutely aware of the seriousness of rabies, they also provide accurate medical information, should you or someone you know come into contact with the disease.  ( For the record, Thailand has been working to eradicate rabies for quite some time and has been fairly successful. )

Just to be safe, Mrs. Stockdale is receiving the rabies vaccine.  This amounts to five shots over two weeks.  These are NOT the super painful injection of stuff extracted from dead people that you read about on the websites visited by Mrs. Stockdale.  This is just five regular shots in the arm. 

Mrs. Stockdale is 99.9999999999999% fine, except for the fact she is married to me.  We are not even remotely concerned she has rabies.  However, we are VERY VERY VERY scared about what could happen on our next adventure.

Big a** fan . . .

In Uncategorized on April 1, 2011 at 3:24 am

Wow, that’s a big a**  fan!

You know what, you’re right, it is a big a** fan!